Foot Analysis Service


Foot Analysis Service is a web-based service which analyses features of foot measurements scanned by INFOOT.
Analysis items are measurements, difference between right/left foot and comparison with more than a million feet data stored in iTouch information service and find what feature the feet have.

The analysis result can be exported as JSON file or PDF.
For instance, as a support tool for sales forces, a PDF of the result can be printed and handed to customers.
Also, analysis results can be obtained in JSON format and integrated into existing web services.

Foot Analysis Sample


Foot data scanned by INFOOT and sent to iTouch server will be analysed and the result is returned in the form of PDF, JSON or the others.
PDF file can be used as sales promotion tool in stores.
JSON files can be gained by server communications via API and the analysis result can be integrated in the existing web services.

Displayed Items

  • Scanning information such as iTouch ID
  • Each measurements and difference between left/right foot
  • Standard score of each measurement
  • Picture of foot print, 3D rendering and contour lines of bottom foot
  • Arbitrary logo and comments
and the other items can be described in the file.
Measurements and standard scores can be described as not only numeric values but also charts.
Standard scores are calculated from samples narrowed down by condition such as district, age and foot length.

Customization of Display

The design of analysis sheet is customizable.
Displayed items, the company logo and their location on the sheet are all customizable as users' desire.
